
Power BI Themes allow you to customize the look and feel of your reports and dashboards.

This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and utilizing a Power BI Theme saved as a JSON file.

The "Ultimate Power BI Theme by LeanProductivity" JSON file contains configuration settings for colors, fonts, and other styling elements, allowing you to maintain consistent branding and design across your Power BI assets.


A Power BI Theme JSON file is a plain text file that holds configuration data in a structured format. This data specifies how various visual elements in your Power BI reports should be styled. These elements include colors, fonts, backgrounds, and other design aspects.

By using the "Ultimate Power BI Theme by LeanProductivity" JSON file, you can easily apply consistent styling across multiple reports and dashboards.


Download the full JSON file
Use report themes in Power BI Desktop | Microsoft Learn

Watch the introduction and how to use the template on YouTube.