
Clipper - YouTube Timestamp Template

Need help with importing/exporting templates?

Here is a step-by-step guide: Clipper - Export and Import Templates
And here is a full tutorial for the Obsidian Web Clipper.


Get all my Obsidian Web Clipper templates for free.


For this template to work, you need to open a specific YouTube video.
If you want to capture the description and transcript, you need to

  1. click on show more to see the full description,
  2. scroll to the end of the description and click on show transcript
    before clipping the page to Obsidian.


This template


	"schemaVersion": "0.1.0",
	"name": "YouTube Timestamp",
	"behavior": "append-specific",
	"noteContentFormat": "- Title: [{{schema:@VideoObject:name}}]({{url}})\n    - Channel: {{schema:@VideoObject:author}}\n    - Timestamp: [{{selector:.ytp-time-current|first}}]({{url|split:\"&t=\"|first}}&t={{selector:.ytp-time-current|first|slice:0,-3|replace:\"\\:\":\"h\"}}m{{selector:.ytp-time-current|first|slice:-2}}s)\n    - Captured: {{time|date:\"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss\"}}",
	"properties": [],
	"triggers": [
	"noteNameFormat": "URLs to check",
	"path": "00 Inbox/Clippings"

Template Settings

After importing the template - or if you run into problems - verify these steps:

  1. "Behavior" must be set to "Add to an existing note" (at the bottom or top)
    This requires Obsidian 1.7.2 or higher, so check your Obsidian version.
  2. The "note name" must point to an existing note.
  3. The note location has to exist in your vault.
  4. "Template trigger" is optional but useful.
  5. "Note content" as you want the text to appear.
    Clipper - YouTube Timestamp Template-20241120100338843.webp