DVJS - Find longest notes in vault
Finds the specified number of notes in your vault, sorted by their length.
Requires these community plugins:
const bwc = app.plugins.plugins["better-word-count"].api; // Access the Better Word Count plugin's API
const luxon = dv.luxon;
// Get all pages in the vault, ensure they are markdown, exclude "excalidraw.md"
const pages = await dv.pages('""').where(page => page.file.ext === "md" && page.file.path.endsWith("excalidraw.md") == false);
// Array to store the final rows for the table
const tableRows = [];
// Use Promise.all to wait for all word counts
await Promise.all(pages.map(async (page) => {
const wordCount = await bwc.getWordCountPagePath(page.file.path); // Get word count for the page using Better Word Count plugin
page.wordCount = wordCount; // Add the word count as a property to the page object
// Create a new array that is sorted
const sortedPages = [...pages].sort((pageA, pageB) => pageB.wordCount - pageA.wordCount);
// Iterate through the sorted pages and add rows to the tableRows array
const numberOfNotesToShow = 10; // Number of largest notes to display
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfNotesToShow && i < sortedPages.length; i++) {
const page = sortedPages[i];
const wordCount = page.wordCount;
const relativeModified = luxon.DateTime.fromISO(page.file.mtime).toRelative();
// Print the table with the top notes based on word count
dv.table(["Name", "Word Count", "Last modified"], tableRows);
Returns a table like this: